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About Us


PQAL is dedicated to technical excellence and customer service within the certification industry. We strive to ensure the highest possible customer service and satisfaction, whilst also having complete compliance with the Accreditation Bodies we work with.

PQAL is a globally expanding business, our success is driven by the relationships we have with our clients and our dedication to making a difference.

PQAL continues to grow every day thanks to the confidence our clients have in us. We work within Construction, Retail Services, IT Services, Engineering and Manufacturing to name but a few.


The certification services of PQAL are carried out systematically, in line with the documented policies, procedures and methodologies, working with our clients to develop their businesses and to help them achieve real commercial benefit from their management system investment.  Our aim is to partner with clients to ensure that their path to certification is easily understandable from the outset, meets their expectations and delivers more than just an assessment and a Certificate.

A PQAL Certificate of Registration demonstrates that the organisation has implemented and is maintaining an effective management system in the area specified on the Certificate(s), in compliance with the relevant Standard


PQAL is a Certification Body, offering clients Management System Certification that is covered by Accreditation from UKAS. PQAL operates to the International Standard ISO/IEC 17021:2015, and are frequently assessed against the requirements of this standard by UKAS. According to the definition, certification is the assessment of conformity. In most cases, requirements have been stated in specific standards, which include International ISO, European EN and various National standards. Either the Management System, the Product or Process, or Personnel can be certified. PQAL certifies only Management Systems.

Examples of the Management Systems that PQAL certifies include:

  • Quality (ISO 9001)
  • Environmental (ISO 14001)
  • Health and Safety (ISO 45001)
  • Information Security (ISO 27001)
  • SSIP (Safety Standards in Procurement)
  • National Highways Sector Schemes (NHSS 17 & 17b)

The role of PQAL is to assess whether the Management System of a client fulfils the requirements stated in the certification/standard requirements. PQAL then issues a certificate, based on the assessment in which it verifies that the Management System fulfils the specified requirements

Certification is valid for a fixed period (normally 3 years) after which a re-certification can be performed. Certification surveillance assessments must be performed at least annually, while the certification is valid

In most cases, certification is a voluntary requirement that can be used to demonstrate that the certified client fulfils the requirements imposed on it. In addition, certification can be used to demonstrate compliance with the requirements of legislation, including directives or EU regulations

Like other Accredited Certification Bodies, PQAL are impartial third-party operators, independent of the clients being assessed. PQAL must have the competence specified in International Standards and other prerequisites for their operations


PQAL holds Accreditation with The United Kingdom Accreditation Service (UKAS) for:

  • ISO 9001
  • ISO 14001
  • ISO 45001 (and also the SSIP Sector Scheme)
  • ISO/IEC 27001
  • PAS 43, NHSS 17 & NHSS 17B

UKAS is the only national Accreditation Body recognised by the UK Government

UKAS Accredited Certification Bodies, such as PQAL, are regularly assessed against Internationally recognised Standards, to demonstrate their compliance, competence, impartiality and performance capability

UKAS have been licensed by BIS to use and confer the National Accreditation Symbols, which demonstrates Government recognition of the Accreditation process

UKAS Accreditation provides clients with an assurance of the competence, impartiality and integrity of Certification Bodies. UKAS Accredited Certification reduces the need for suppliers to be assessed by each of their customers

The UKAS involvement in international groups provides for mutual recognition, which further reduces the need for multiple assessments of suppliers and helps to reduce barriers to trade. It is therefore the policy of BIS to recommend the use of UKAS Accredited Certification Body services, whenever this is an option

As an IAF (International Accreditation Forum) member, UKAS Accreditation is recognised Worldwide

PQAL are an active member of the Federation of Certification Bodies (FCB). The purpose of the FCB is to provide Accredited Certification Bodies with a membership forum, to allow discussion of matters of common interest, with the view to support the delivery of Accredited Certification services. This may include collective discussion with representatives of Accreditation Body(s) and others to help achieve this aim

Membership of the FCB is open to all UKAS Accredited Certification Bodies (and Accredited Certification Bodies of other IAF MLA members)

PQAL holds SSIP Certification Body Membership

This means that PQAL are able to provide ISO 45001 + SSIP Certification Services that meet both UKAS and SSIP requirements

A stand-alone ISO 45001 Certificate does not meet SSIP requirements and falls outside of the SSIP Scheme.  Any organisation wishing to hold ISO 45001 + SSIP must request this with PQAL so that the additional SSIP Scheme requirements are implemented during the assessment process, including data integration with the SSIP Portal for Deem to Satisfy purposes

The Safety Schemes in Procurement Competence Forum (SSIP) is an umbrella organisation to facilitate Mutual Recognition between Health & Safety pre-qualification schemes wherever it is practicable to do so.

How can we help you?

Contact us at the PQAL Office nearest to you or send us an email

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